- Life Jacket: It is a life-saving product that helps you to float in the water, without getting to sink in the water. This is worn on the upper body and automatically keeps your mouth and nostrils above the water keeping you floating on the water’s surface.
- Safety Shower & Eye Wash Unit: It is safety equipment that is installed in the industries like chemical and petrochemical plants for eye wash in the person working there is exposed to some hazardous chemicals substances. For proper functioning have to be checked for at least 10 days once.
- Fire Blanket: Fireproof blankets or flameproof materials used to smoothen a small fire are referred to as fire blankets. Fire blankets are being installed in the kitchens, as well as in the residential, educational, and industrial settings.
- LifeBuoy: It is a buoyant device that keeps people floating in the water in an emergency. They are normally thrown to the people who have to be reused for the water or help the people to float in the water without sinking.
- WindSock: It is mainly used to guide the direction and speed of the blowing winds. Basically, they are made of a conical textile tube which gives resembles a giant sock.
- Megaphone: These are amplifiers operated using the battery and help people to clearly hear the voice who is far away or in distance. It is an important safety equipment piece used to communicate with people in an emergency time.
- Portable Eyewash-Station: It is a shot duration unit having a water tank capacity of 30 litres and an inbuilt eyewash. This portable eye wash can be mounted anywhere on the wall. They act as a flush that flooded the eye for removing unwanted particles.
- Gong Bells: These bells are used to alert people in an emergency situation like a fire break out, flood, trespasser, electrical leak, chemical leakage, and so on. It notifies the people of the immediate evacuation of the building or the area. They are round in shape and made of materials like brass, aluminium, and stainless steel.
Products that protect us from an emergency situation in day-to-day life come under general safety products. Here is the list of it.
- Fire-Door: Fire doors come in two types for the emergency exit of the building during a fire breaks out and are more effective than the normal doors.
- Single Fire Door: These doors have only one door and the wide of the doors are small enabling the free passage of one or two people only.
- Double Fire Door: The double doors are wide in length and have two openings and also to free passage of at least 4 to 5 people, making the evacuation of the people easy during an emergency situation.
- Floor Stand: Floor stands are portable tools, that tell about the caution in the floor. The best example of this ‘Wet Floor’ is that we commonly see in all commercial buildings like malls, health care, office and so as.
- Fire Resistant Cabin: Fire resistant are materials that are designed to withstand high temperatures and prevent the spread of fire. Fire-resistant the cabin is nothing but protecting the cabin from fire by using fire-resistant material and the thing which are kept inside the cabin are safe and does not get damaged in the fire.
- Lockout & Tag Out: It is a safety procedure that alerts people about the danger in operating or on a piece of shut-off equipment or machinery.
- Electrical Rubber Mats: These mats are made of rubber and used as protective equipment where more of the electrical circuit is involved. Its acts as enhanced protection for people from electric shocks.
- O2 Gas Detector: Equipment used to detect or measure the oxygen level in the room where there is a constant change in the air temperature and conditions. Used in laboratories, food production, hospitals, etc.
- Metal Detector: Instrument used to detect the presence of the metal nearby. They are mainly used to find the metal hidden in the ground and determine if a person is hiding a weapon-like metal object in their dress.
- Digital Sound Meter: This instrument is used to measure the amount of sound produced by machinery or a crowd.